Episode 5

Published on:

22nd Nov 2021

Tips vs. Strategy

There are a million tips out there, like: Save your receipts. Contribute to retirement. Be an S-corp!

The problem is there's no "why" behind those. If you don't know why you're doing those things, you're going to miss out on a lot of tax deductions. You can go through the motions, but you aren't making money moves that support your life goals. Blanket advice is one-size-fits-all and everybody's goals, business, household, goals, and priorities are different.

Once you have some things documented and categorized, the first report you'll need to understand is your income statement, or your profit-and-loss report. Income, minus expenses, equals profit. Seeing what goes on from month to month will allow you to see patterns and plan accordingly. Now, you will be taxed on that profit line, even if you didn't pay yourself that much.

Another report you need to understand is your balance sheet. Assets and liabilities, what do you have and what do you owe? This report is where your owner's draw, or owner's pay, will show up. So you can do all the things, but if you don't understand the strategy behind it you won't be able to make the moves that will move you forward.

Join our community at confidentmoneypodcast.com where we’ll share tips and resources, and you can suggest topics for future episodes.

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FTC/Affiliate Disclaimer: By using some of these links, at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission or referral fee, which helps me continue to produce content like this, support my business, and my team.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. My podcast is for educational purposes and is my personal opinion only. To make the best financial decision for your situation, please do your own research and if needed, seek the advice of a fee-based, fiduciary.

Music credit: Neon Fairies by Wolves 

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

So today we're going to be talking about strategy versus tips and understanding

Katelyn Magnuson:

the big picture behind all of this and how it plays into your business success.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So let's just hold for a minute and let's talk about some things

Katelyn Magnuson:

that are tips versus strategy.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So a tip might be, Hey, you need to keep receipts for everything, a

Katelyn Magnuson:

strategy, or like something that you can implement would be, Hey, we have

Katelyn Magnuson:

a system that we're keeping receipts.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And the reason that we need to keep them is because we have to be

Katelyn Magnuson:

able to prove what we purchased was necessary for business expenses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Therefore, we now have a system in place that makes this really easy and

Katelyn Magnuson:

straightforward so that we know that that area of our business is taken care of.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Should we ever be audited?

Katelyn Magnuson:

So again, one really, really small example, but tips, you should

Katelyn Magnuson:

be contributing for retirement.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You should be an LLC.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You should be an S Corp.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You should be a sole proprietor.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You don't need to have your business.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Finances separated.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You do need to have your business.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Finances separated.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's painful.

Katelyn Magnuson:

How many different tips you'll get and in the online space, you know, Facebook,

Katelyn Magnuson:

Instagram, podcasts, Googling things.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're going to find 17 different pieces of information that may

Katelyn Magnuson:

potentially conflict with one another.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So tips versus strategy, understanding why you should contribute to retirement.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What it does for you, how you in particular should be contributing

Katelyn Magnuson:

to retirement depending on your personal or household financial goals.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So that segues really nicely into why we're going to talk about the

Katelyn Magnuson:

reason that you need a strategy.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So this whole business finance thing, this whole money thing, all of this.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's important for you to understand the bigger reason,

Katelyn Magnuson:

the bigger goal behind it all.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And it's not one size fits all because everyone's goals.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Dreams businesses and households are different and priorities.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What I'm prioritizing may not be something that you want to prioritize.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I see that a lot with my clients.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, I have some clients that are prioritizing being debt-free

Katelyn Magnuson:

before they, you know, make their next move or buy a house.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I have some clients that are absolutely all about.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Investing every single dime that they have and having a little in there,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you know, available cash as possible because that's, what's important to them.

Katelyn Magnuson:

They want to make sure that they are making the most of inflation

Katelyn Magnuson:

and you know, their, their money is working for them in that way.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So by understanding the strategy behind what you want in your business, in your

Katelyn Magnuson:

financial goals, You are then able to implement the information that we talked

Katelyn Magnuson:

about here that we talk about as a client that you learned from somewhere else.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And you're able to understand why you should be an LLC with an S-corp.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If that's the right with an S Corp election, if that's the

Katelyn Magnuson:

right fit for you, why you should have certain types of retirement.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Why, if you hire employees, you're going to need to change your retirement

Katelyn Magnuson:

account, depending on how you're set up.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Every single thing that you can do in your business and your personal

Katelyn Magnuson:

finances, all connects, it, connects to your household, needs, it connects

Katelyn Magnuson:

to why you're doing what you're doing.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It connects to increasing your business, growth, your efficiencies, giving you a

Katelyn Magnuson:

reason for why you choose to hire or why you choose to rearrange your offerings.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So understanding the driving factor behind.

Katelyn Magnuson:

All of the money, understanding, like we said before, why you need

Katelyn Magnuson:

to keep receipts instead of just keeping receipts, why you need to do

Katelyn Magnuson:

your bookkeeping versus understanding your reports and your numbers.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So it's so important to understand the why behind all of this, because yeah, you

Katelyn Magnuson:

can totally just go through the motions.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You can do the bookkeeping.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You can categorize the things, you can keep the receipts, but if you don't

Katelyn Magnuson:

know why you're doing those things, you're going to lose out on a massive

Katelyn Magnuson:

amount of potential tax deductions.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So yeah, you may be fine.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Come audit time because you've done the transactional items that

Katelyn Magnuson:

are required and kudos, like.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That is literally such a huge part of the battle as a business owner to have

Katelyn Magnuson:

been able to tackle whether you're outsourcing it, whether you're doing

Katelyn Magnuson:

it yourself, whether you're having a VA, do it, keeping receipts, digital

Katelyn Magnuson:

copies, all that jazz, doing your book, keeping a is going to keep you from

Katelyn Magnuson:

missing out on a lot of tax, deductible expenses come the end of the year.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Which we love B is going to make it so that if you're audited, you

Katelyn Magnuson:

have all the information that you need to be able to show to the IRS.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Should you be audited?

Katelyn Magnuson:

But what it's not going to do is it's not going to make sure that you are

Katelyn Magnuson:

making money, moves to quote Cardi B that support your life goals.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So that's what we want to make sure that we're doing here is you want to understand

Katelyn Magnuson:

the reason behind all of it so that, you know, That you're going to contribute

Katelyn Magnuson:

to a seth IRA for a retirement account, or you're going to open an I 401k.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I know we're throwing out 7 billion acronyms right now, but these are two

Katelyn Magnuson:

different types of retirement accounts that depending on your business,

Katelyn Magnuson:

finances, your household cash needs and the amount that you're able or

Katelyn Magnuson:

comfortable to put in retirement.

Katelyn Magnuson:

The two of these, I use them for very different clients, even if

Katelyn Magnuson:

they're at the same income level.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So understanding the reasoning behind that, understanding that, you know, a seth

Katelyn Magnuson:

IRA is super straightforward to set up.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's really easy, especially if you're setting it up after the business

Katelyn Magnuson:

year has closed and you're trying to sweep some money in there, you know,

Katelyn Magnuson:

to make some really big tax savings.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

Are you trying to absolutely maximize your retirement savings and maybe

Katelyn Magnuson:

you don't have a super high salary.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Okay, cool.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I 401k, we'll let you get there a lot sooner if you don't need all of those, but

Katelyn Magnuson:

you have to understand the bigger picture.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So I know if you need $120,000 or $50,000 to support your household bills and

Katelyn Magnuson:

you're making a hundred thousand dollars.

Katelyn Magnuson:

My recommendations will vary depending on what those goals are.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you need to make sure that you're not just taking blanket advice to open a

Katelyn Magnuson:

seth IRA, to, read through your reports.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What does reading through your reports mean?

Katelyn Magnuson:

So if you're doing your bookkeeping again, Mm, kudos.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm so fricking excited.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Cause that is literally like the biggest barrier to getting started is

Katelyn Magnuson:

just getting in there and doing it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But, and you think, you know, you've done a session with us.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You've researched it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You've chatted with someone else.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Maybe you've taken a course and.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're like, Hey, I know how to categorize all of these.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I know that these are contractor expenses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I know that these are advertising expenses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I know that as a self-employed business owner, probably 20% or more of my

Katelyn Magnuson:

expenses are going to fall under that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Other expenses like training and education and merchant service fees,

Katelyn Magnuson:

like Stripe or square or PayPal like that is literally the catchall.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It kills me how many things we have fallen there.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So if you know, How you're doing you're categorizing and

Katelyn Magnuson:

what those categories mean.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Like if you know that for example, meals in 2021 are a hundred

Katelyn Magnuson:

percent right off when normally you only get to deduct 50% of them.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Because we're trying to incentivize the restaurant industry.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

So you can prioritize accordingly, you know, maybe you were a little

Katelyn Magnuson:

bit more frugal in the past where you didn't have team meetings.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Maybe you're now having team meetings or you're meeting with potential clients

Katelyn Magnuson:

and you're going out and getting a meal.

Katelyn Magnuson:

As long as you're again, putting the proper systems

Katelyn Magnuson:

in place systems can be sexy.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Um, your documenting it on a calendar or with an email invite or something

Katelyn Magnuson:

that shows like, Hey, I wasn't just stopping at Panera by myself.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And trying to write it up.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Then, you know, the next step is to go look at your reports.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then number one report that you're going to need to understand is your

Katelyn Magnuson:

income statement or your profit and loss, depending on what you work

Katelyn Magnuson:

in, they can be called different things, but they're the same report.

Katelyn Magnuson:

This report takes your overall income.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So sales at the top, it takes out your business expenses and then it leaves you

Katelyn Magnuson:

with what the profit is at the bottom.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you have to understand how to read this because a, especially comparing

Katelyn Magnuson:

it from one month to the next.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And seeing trends can be really beneficial because you're able to look at like,

Katelyn Magnuson:

oh, okay, well, every year in October, you know, my sales just go insane.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But that also means that those sales are for, you know, December

Katelyn Magnuson:

due date or delivery or whatever.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And your expenses increase in December and January.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Well, that would totally make sense.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're able to start seeing patterns and understanding so that you can be prepared.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're also able, depending on how you break your sales down to start seeing

Katelyn Magnuson:

what's worth putting your time behind, is it most worth putting your time

Katelyn Magnuson:

behind, you know, your top selling like five services or five products?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Probably, you know, in five to just a number that I threw out there,

Katelyn Magnuson:

but it allows you to prioritize once you understand your profitability.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And we talked about this in one of the earlier episodes, but understanding

Katelyn Magnuson:

your profitability and understanding what's selling well is really

Katelyn Magnuson:

important in order for you to be able to decide like make sales decisions.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's the whole reason that we're looking at these reports, right?

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's one thing you can look at them.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

We made $5,000 this month after expenses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Thumbs up for those of you that are listening to the audio and you

Katelyn Magnuson:

know, like big thumbs up, right.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You made five grand.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

However, is that, does that include what you were paid?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Because one of the big things that people don't understand is if you're

Katelyn Magnuson:

a single member, LLC, if you're a sole proprietor, what you pay yourself is

Katelyn Magnuson:

not a business expense, your business.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Profit all passes through to you personally as an individual.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you yourself.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So me, Katelyn, Magnuson, I get taxed on whatever that profit

Katelyn Magnuson:

number is on that income statement.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Whether I have paid myself that money or left it in the business account.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So a lot of times when I have people that will, you know, they'll look at their

Katelyn Magnuson:

income statements, they're like, yeah, I made $5,000, but like I don't have

Katelyn Magnuson:

$5,000 more in my account this month.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's because owner's payments like that owner's draws owners pay, do

Katelyn Magnuson:

not show up on that income statement because they're not a business expense.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Again, only business deductible expenses are going to show

Katelyn Magnuson:

up there income expenses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So the other report that you need to know about and that you need to really

Katelyn Magnuson:

understand is your balance sheet.

Katelyn Magnuson:

This one isn't used quite as frequently in smaller businesses, but it should

Katelyn Magnuson:

be something that you're looking at at least once a quarter to make sure that

Katelyn Magnuson:

a, especially if you're doing your own accounting, that everything is up to

Katelyn Magnuson:

par, but it's also going to be looked at, if you go to buy a home, if you

Katelyn Magnuson:

try and get financing, or if you look to sell your business, those are all

Katelyn Magnuson:

really common situations where someone's gonna want to see your balance sheet.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So what a balance sheet is, think of a balance sheet as a statement.

Katelyn Magnuson:

For what you have.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Assets and liabilities, like what are things that you owe and

Katelyn Magnuson:

what are things that you have?

Katelyn Magnuson:

What cash do you have?

Katelyn Magnuson:

So on a balance sheet, it's going to have assets such as your checking

Katelyn Magnuson:

account, your savings account, any large equipment that you may have, all

Katelyn Magnuson:

of that will show up there, because those are things that you could sell.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's cash you have on hand.

Katelyn Magnuson:

On the flip side, you're going to see liabilities.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If you have a balance on your credit card, if you have an existing loan, if you have.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Bills that you owe that haven't been paid yet.

Katelyn Magnuson:

All of those will potentially show up as liabilities.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then at the very bottom of all of that, you're going to see owner's

Katelyn Magnuson:

draws and owner's investments.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And these can be called again, several different things.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Owners pay owner's contribution, owner's investment owners draw essentially owners

Katelyn Magnuson:

investment and owner's contribution.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Or if you deposit money into the business.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you give the business money, and owners draw or owners pay is when you

Katelyn Magnuson:

take money from the business and you were paying yourself and again, with

Katelyn Magnuson:

sole proprietors and single member LLCs, that's where your pay will show up.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You don't want to categorize it as wages and salaries because that's

Katelyn Magnuson:

incorrect, from a tax perspective.

Katelyn Magnuson:

again why you need to understand the strategy of how you're doing

Katelyn Magnuson:

your bookkeeping, versus just the tips of do your bookkeeping,

Katelyn Magnuson:

categorize your information, because if you become an S Corp or an LLC

Katelyn Magnuson:

with an S-corp election, you then actually do have payroll expenses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And owner's draw.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So part of that will show up on the income and expenses sheet

Katelyn Magnuson:

that we were talking about.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And part of that will show up on your balance sheet.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And so looking at both of those one gives you an idea of the

Katelyn Magnuson:

profitability of the business.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you can make decisions based on income and expenses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And you're able to see cashflow, you're able to compare it like month to month.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're able to compare it year to year.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Year to date compared to last year, year to date.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you can see how you're doing.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And all of those are reports that I pull at the end of each month generally.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I take a look at where we're at, where we've been, and then factor into,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you know, do we need to make changes?

Katelyn Magnuson:

there something in here, like, do we need to be hiring?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is there something we need to be celebrating?

Katelyn Magnuson:

So those are all really important to be looking at.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then you pair that by looking at your balance sheet.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And when you look at your balance sheet, you want to make sure

Katelyn Magnuson:

that you're checking again.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Balances correct.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Your savings account balance is correct.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That what you've paid yourself this year looks correct.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And if any of those numbers aren't correct on the date that you pick compared

Katelyn Magnuson:

to the date that it was in your bank.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So if you picked, like, let's say January 1st of 2021, What's in your checking

Katelyn Magnuson:

account in your accounting software should match what's in your checking

Katelyn Magnuson:

account on that same day in your bank.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Like they're supposed to be an actual real life statement of like what's there.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And again, these are two of the most common reports that you

Katelyn Magnuson:

should understand in order to be able to make big growth moves.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And it's what allows for sustainable growth, understanding these and

Katelyn Magnuson:

understanding how they work is I mean totally cliche, but it's, it's priceless.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Like this is, this is the sauce.

Katelyn Magnuson:

This is exactly what we do with our clients.

Katelyn Magnuson:

This is why we have clients that absolutely love working with us because

Katelyn Magnuson:

they're able to come on and they're able to going to sound so cheesy.

Katelyn Magnuson:

They're able to feel safe that they're understood that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Someone finally gets it and is making it digestible so that they can understand

Katelyn Magnuson:

it enough to make the decisions that they feel really empowered making.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So strategy versus tips, you need to understand the

Katelyn Magnuson:

big picture with your money.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And your business finances and your retirement and your personal finances

Katelyn Magnuson:

and your household finances and in what sort of business entity you are, what

Katelyn Magnuson:

ownership type you are, all of those and how you want to, you know, do you want

Katelyn Magnuson:

to sell your business, like all of these factor together and need to be considered

Show artwork for Wealth Witches

About the Podcast

Wealth Witches
Where financial empowerment meets magic!
Welcome to the Wealth Witches™ podcast, where financial empowerment meets magic! I'm Katelyn Magnuson, your guide on this enchanted journey to holistic wealth and prosperity. Here, we honor all identities and invoke our inner witches to create a community where everyone feels welcome and inspired.

Formerly known as the Confident Money podcast, we've transformed into Wealth Witches™ with Katelyn Magnuson. This change is about embracing the once-taboo topics of money and magic, blending them into a powerful mix of practical advice and mystical insights. Whether you're here for financial tips or to explore the magical side of life, this podcast is your new home.

What can you expect from Wealth Witches™? We combine actionable financial advice with a holistic approach to life. You'll hear from guests like astrologers, neurodivergent business owners, and magical creatives, discussing everything from business requirements to the latest trends in holistic wealth. We're breaking down the barriers that make finance feel dry and inaccessible, making it exciting and relevant to your life.

This podcast is for anyone who feels out of place in the traditional financial world. If you've ever felt like your interests in magic, human design, or holistic living didn't belong in a financial conversation, this is the podcast for you. We're here to tell you that you can embrace all parts of yourself and still be financially successful. We're not just talking about money – we're talking about creating a life of abundance and freedom. Our community is dynamic, diverse, and inclusive, and we want you to be a part of it.

Join us as we explore new ways to think about money and life. We're here to challenge the status quo and help you embrace your inner witch on your financial journey. Each episode is designed to inspire, educate, and empower you to take control of your financial destiny.

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Are you ready to take your financial journey to the next level? Join the Wealth Witches™ membership for exclusive access to live training sessions on money, taxes, retirement, and business support. You'll also gain entry to our inclusive community where you can connect with like-minded individuals and get even more out of your financial journey. We're a community of passionate, purpose-driven entrepreneurs who see creating wealth holistically rather than stuck in another crypto-bro investing black hole membership. Join today: www.thefreelancecfo.com/wealth-witches-podcast-member

Follow us on Instagram @WealthWitchesPodcast or drop us a message with your questions and episode requests. If you want more advice, visit our main Instagram @thefreelancecfo.

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Stay magical and empowered, and remember, wealth isn't just about dollars in the bank – it's about creating abundance in all aspects of your life. Let's conjure some financial clarity together.

DISCLAIMER: This Podcast may receive compensation for promoting or recommending products or services through affiliate links. We only recommend products and services that we believe are of value to our listeners. The content provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional financial, accounting, or legal advice. Listeners are advised to consult with qualified professionals before making any financial decisions. The Freelance CFO is not responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided.

About your host

Profile picture for Katelyn Magnuson

Katelyn Magnuson

Katelyn, the driving force behind The Freelance CFO and creator of Wealth Witches, is revolutionizing accounting with a sprinkle of magic. With a decade of experience, she’s not your typical number cruncher. Her unique blend of expertise and approachability, infused with a touch of spiritual insight, has made her a go-to authority. Katelyn believes finance should be a stepping stone to success, not a barrier. With a judgment-free ethos, she simplifies complex financial topics, making them actionable for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Her ultimate goal? To empower you to manifest your authentic life—not a cookie-cutter one!