Episode 31

Published on:

11th Jul 2022

Home Buying Part 1: Credit Scores with Kyle Seagraves

Welcome back to another mini-season of Confident Money! In the next few episodes I’ll be talking with Kyle Seagraves, Certified Mortgage Advisor, Licensed Loan Originator, and full-time home loan educator.

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • What credit scores are and what they mean
  • The difference between a soft pull and a hard pull
  • Different types of loans
  • What credit score numbers to aim for
  • What kinds of credit you should have when applying for a mortgage
  • How much credit history you need

Connect with Kyle:

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WinTheHouseYouLove

Online: https://www.winthehouseyoulove.com/

We cover ALL of this in the “Get Your Finance Sh*t Together” self-study course at confidentmoneypodcast.com!

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FTC/Affiliate Disclaimer: By using some of these links, at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission or referral fee, which helps me continue to produce content like this, support my business, and my team.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. My podcast is for educational purposes and is my personal opinion only. To make the best financial decision for your situation, please do your own research and if needed, seek the advice of a fee-based, fiduciary.

Music credit: Neon Fairies by Wolves 

A Podcast Launch Bestie production

Katelyn Magnuson:

Hey, welcome back to the confident money podcast.

Katelyn Magnuson:

My name is Caitlin Magnuson and I'm your host.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We are going to be doing a mini season with Kyle Seagraves Kyle Graves, as a

Katelyn Magnuson:

certified mortgage advisor, licensed loan originator, and the owner of when the

Katelyn Magnuson:

house you love a YouTube channel with over a hundred thousand subscribers.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I couldn't be more excited to have him here helping you all understand

Katelyn Magnuson:

the ins and outs of the mortgage industry as it is now and home buying.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So Kyle welcome.

Kyle Seagraves:

And Katelyn, I am excited to go through this series because so much

Kyle Seagraves:

of home buying

Kyle Seagraves:

I think is maybe not intentionally confusing on purpose, but it can be

Kyle Seagraves:

really confusing and overwhelming.

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's nice to break things down into kind of different sections or step-by-step

Kyle Seagraves:

through the process to help people feel more confident as they work through it.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I couldn't agree more and having bought a house right after the last recession.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I know that things have changed a lot in that time because I then

Katelyn Magnuson:

purchased again in 2019 and it was a very different ball game.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think it's really different even now, just a couple of years later.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

Very excited.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We're going to be talking in this episode about credit and the ins and

Katelyn Magnuson:

outs of what you kind of need to know.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What credit scores are, what the ranges are, scoring models,

Katelyn Magnuson:

soft pulls, and hard poles.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So, Kyle, I'm going to just let you take the stage here.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Let's dive face first into credit, which I know.

Katelyn Magnuson:

A lot of our listeners are probably like, oh God, I don't even know.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And like, what if the models aren't accurate?

Katelyn Magnuson:

What if I'm not looking at the right information?

Katelyn Magnuson:

What do I do?

Katelyn Magnuson:

So let's start with what credit scores are and how to go about finding.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

So a credit score, first of all, is just, a model and there's

Kyle Seagraves:

several different types of models.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just this algorithm that takes into account your financial history

Kyle Seagraves:

based on when people give you debt.

Kyle Seagraves:

So things like a credit card or a car loan or a student loans,

Kyle Seagraves:

different things like that.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so there are three different credit scores that every single person has

Kyle Seagraves:

a, you have one with Experian, one with Equifax and one with TransUnion.

Kyle Seagraves:

So three different credit bureaus as they're called.

Kyle Seagraves:

And there's different types of scoring models that lenders will use

Kyle Seagraves:

before they approve you for a loan.

Kyle Seagraves:

So for instance, a car dealership is going to look at one type of model.

Kyle Seagraves:

a mortgage lender is gonna look at another type.

Kyle Seagraves:

A credit card company is going to look at another type and unfortunately

Kyle Seagraves:

it's complex and confusing, and I wish it was more simple.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Ultimately, you don't have to be a credit master to get approved for a loan.

Kyle Seagraves:

That's going to save you more money in interest.

Kyle Seagraves:

All we need to do is keep a couple things in mind to make sure that,

Kyle Seagraves:

our credit is on track to buy a home.

Kyle Seagraves:

And if it's off track, there's a couple of things we can do to get a

Kyle Seagraves:

little bit back on the right track.

Kyle Seagraves:

Really the first thing that you want to do is begin getting a good idea of where

Kyle Seagraves:

you're at with your credit, to begin with.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so this is where people commonly will go to something like, uh, credit

Kyle Seagraves:

karma or credit Sesame, and they'll see their score online for free.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, and usually they're only going to show you one score, often

Kyle Seagraves:

it's Experian, and it's used with what's called a vantage score.

Kyle Seagraves:

So there's two big scoring models.

Kyle Seagraves:

There's a vantage and there's Franco.

Kyle Seagraves:

Vantage is commonly used in the auto world.

Kyle Seagraves:

FICO is what's used in the mortgage world now inside of each of those.

Kyle Seagraves:

So there's several different vantage scores, several different FICO's and

Kyle Seagraves:

ultimately you don't have to know them.

Kyle Seagraves:

You don't have to understand what score is being used.

Kyle Seagraves:

But it's helpful to understand first that there is a

Kyle Seagraves:

difference between these models.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so what you see on something like credit karma is going to be

Kyle Seagraves:

different than what a mortgage lender might see with your credit score

Kyle Seagraves:

and these different scoring models.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just look at things a little bit.

Kyle Seagraves:

For instance, FICO might look at your payment history

Kyle Seagraves:

differently than vantage score.

Kyle Seagraves:

My vantage score might look at your average age of credit

Kyle Seagraves:

history, uh, than FICO might.

Kyle Seagraves:

So when we're looking at these sites that have your credit score like credit

Kyle Seagraves:

karma or anything, that's available online for free, you're going to be

Kyle Seagraves:

getting what's called a soft poll credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

No softball means that this will not impact your credit score at all.

Kyle Seagraves:

So you can log on, look at your score for free, um, and have zero

Kyle Seagraves:

impact to your credit at all.

Kyle Seagraves:

It will not create an inquiry, meaning someone checked your credit

Kyle Seagraves:

score that will not happen when you apply for something like an auto loan

Kyle Seagraves:

or a credit card or a mortgage you get what's called a hard inquiry.

Kyle Seagraves:

And this is where a lender looks at your full credit profile.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, and it actually puts on a little inquiry onto your.

Kyle Seagraves:

Credit report.

Kyle Seagraves:

Now inquiries only impact 10% of your credit score.

Kyle Seagraves:

So it's not the end of the world.

Kyle Seagraves:

This guy is not going to fall just because you got an inquiry

Kyle Seagraves:

put on your credit report.

Kyle Seagraves:

Even though I think a lot of people teach that for some reason.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like if you get an inquiry, it's the worst thing in the world.

Kyle Seagraves:

It really is not.

Kyle Seagraves:

But, um, those are the.

Kyle Seagraves:

Really the big things that we need to know about credit as we're going

Kyle Seagraves:

through this process, you don't have to understand the models and the intricacies.

Kyle Seagraves:

We don't have to try to game the system.

Kyle Seagraves:

you can go really deep into credit and figure out how these algorithms

Kyle Seagraves:

work and try to game them to get higher and higher and higher.

Kyle Seagraves:

But ultimately when, when we're going from, just trying to.

Kyle Seagraves:

Optimize your credit to buy a house.

Kyle Seagraves:

You don't have to understand the deep complexity of credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

If you're wanting to go from like a seven 20 credit score to like an eight

Kyle Seagraves:

20 credit score, then maybe we need to get in the weeds a little bit more

Kyle Seagraves:

about like, how did the strategies work?

Kyle Seagraves:

But if we're just trying to say, we think we're in the mid six

Kyle Seagraves:

hundreds, but we want to buy a home.

Kyle Seagraves:

We don't really need to understand the intricacies here.

Kyle Seagraves:

So the confusing part for a lot of people though, is.

Kyle Seagraves:

When they log on to credit karma, they see their soft, poll credit

Kyle Seagraves:

score and they only see one, but then they talk to a lender and that credit

Kyle Seagraves:

score likely is going to be different than what they saw on credit karma.

Kyle Seagraves:

And often it usually ends up being around 20 points, lower than a mortgage

Kyle Seagraves:

lender will see your credit score than what they see on credit karma.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so what we can use credit karma for is, or any softball

Kyle Seagraves:

site, is tracking the momentum.

Kyle Seagraves:

Of the credit score.

Kyle Seagraves:

We don't actually care about the number specifically, whether it's a six 20 or

Kyle Seagraves:

6 34, whatever that number exactly is.

Kyle Seagraves:

We just want to see are the habits that we're doing with paying back

Kyle Seagraves:

debt and spending money increasing the credit score or lowering it.

Kyle Seagraves:

because we won't obviously want that to continue increasing

Kyle Seagraves:

if that's, uh, where we.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Now for anyone here, that's listening tile.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What's the whole reason for them to be increasing or

Katelyn Magnuson:

improving their credit score?

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, what's the impact to them when it comes to their mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

Yeah, the first thing is, being eligible to get a loan.

Kyle Seagraves:

So all different loans have different minimum credit scores just to be eligible.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then after we're eligible for.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, the higher, the credit score that we have, the easier it is to get approved and

Kyle Seagraves:

the better terms that we're going to get.

Kyle Seagraves:

So somebody with a six 20 credit score is going to get a higher

Kyle Seagraves:

interest rate on their loan than somebody with a seven 20 credit score.

Kyle Seagraves:

Now that adds up to thousands, possibly tens of thousands of dollars

Kyle Seagraves:

over the lifetime of a mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

So just making small changes even over the next six months to increase their

Kyle Seagraves:

credit score could literally save you tens of thousands of dollars just in India.

Kyle Seagraves:

So with the eligibility side of seeing, how do we qualify for a loan?

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, there are four main types of loans that we're going to cover that in a

Kyle Seagraves:

future episode, some little more in detail of these types of loans, but we have

Kyle Seagraves:

conventional loans, FHA, VA, and USDA.

Kyle Seagraves:

So the minimum for conventional loan, this is the standard.

Kyle Seagraves:

What most people get, uh, and gives the best term.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's a six 20 credit score.

Kyle Seagraves:

So we need to be above the six 20, ideally with a conventional loan.

Kyle Seagraves:

You want to be above a six 80 to get better interest rates, but six 20 will

Kyle Seagraves:

allow you to be eligible for that loan.

Kyle Seagraves:

Something like FHA, the minimum is actually all the way down to a 500 credit

Kyle Seagraves:

score, but you would have to put 10% down,

Kyle Seagraves:

which is usually a bit of a

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

if you have a five 80 credit score, you can do three and a half.

Kyle Seagraves:

VA and USDA also very similar.

Kyle Seagraves:

They allowed down to a 500 credit score with 0% down.

Kyle Seagraves:

Now obviously 500 credit score, in that range of below 600, that loan is

Kyle Seagraves:

very difficult to do, and it's difficult to find lenders that will do that.

Kyle Seagraves:

So a really good target, I think for most.

Kyle Seagraves:

Is, uh, 6 46, 40 and above is going to allow you to be eligible for

Kyle Seagraves:

pretty much all those four loans.

Kyle Seagraves:

And there's a couple outside of those four that, get a little bit more nuanced,

Kyle Seagraves:

but six 40 and above will allow you to qualify for the four main types of loans.

Kyle Seagraves:

Then we'll start giving you better terms.

Kyle Seagraves:

Obviously the higher, the credit score, the better, One of the things

Kyle Seagraves:

that I think people can get stopped up with is they won't move forward

Kyle Seagraves:

with buying a house because they might be at that six 40 range.

Kyle Seagraves:

And they're like, well, we want to actually wait a few months to

Kyle Seagraves:

raise our credit score to seven 20 or whatever, to then buy a house.

Kyle Seagraves:

The problem with that though, especially in a market like this is when homes are.

Kyle Seagraves:

So quickly, right over past 30 years, 4% is the average appreciation.

Kyle Seagraves:

Over the past three years, we've been seeing close to 20 to 30%

Kyle Seagraves:

appreciation on homes when that's happening, missing out on buying a home.

Kyle Seagraves:

Forces you to lose out on that potential appreciation.

Kyle Seagraves:

So even though you could have saved more interest in the future, you

Kyle Seagraves:

did miss out on some appreciation.

Kyle Seagraves:

So I think six 40 is a really good target to then say, great.

Kyle Seagraves:

Now we want to go ahead and apply with a lender and see what our

Kyle Seagraves:

options are to then begin, decide if we want to move forward with that.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

No, that makes total sense.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And if someone is looking.

Katelyn Magnuson:

To move forward and let's say they've been checking, you know, I know that Wells

Katelyn Magnuson:

Fargo provides me with a credit monitoring option that can kind of show me where

Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm fluctuating and what it looks like.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So in what you just explained, if they're generally generally looking at around

Katelyn Magnuson:

20 points lower, when there's a hard poll, are we actually wanting them?

Katelyn Magnuson:

If they're tracking their score and looking at that soft pool, are they

Katelyn Magnuson:

wanting to be closer to six 60, give or take to then be in the 6 46.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

I think that that's a perfect way to look at it.

Kyle Seagraves:

And really it's, it's hard.

Kyle Seagraves:

I wish credit was a lot simpler where we could actually see that score.

Kyle Seagraves:

and it, it wasn't as you know, these different models and such, because,

Kyle Seagraves:

you know, for example, like my credit score is in the seven hundreds and

Kyle Seagraves:

I, I just applied for a mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

but when I look on softball sites, it sits at like six 80.

Kyle Seagraves:

When I know my credit score is like mid seven hundreds.

Kyle Seagraves:

So it has actually the opposite

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:

is as well.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I was surprised that you said that it's normally lower because mine

Katelyn Magnuson:

has always been lower on the soft pools and higher on the hard poles,

Katelyn Magnuson:

which is a pleasant surprise.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

it is a pleasant surprise.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so you know that at minimum, if we on the softball side, it's where we want it.

Kyle Seagraves:

Ideally, it's going to be that way for the mortgage side.

Kyle Seagraves:

And that's why I think the soft pull side, those free sites are really

Kyle Seagraves:

great at checking the momentum rather than the score itself.

Kyle Seagraves:

There's only one place that you can get your credit score, uh,

Kyle Seagraves:

that shows you exactly what the.

Kyle Seagraves:

What Paul and that's on my fico.com because that's actually the FICO

Kyle Seagraves:

company that creates the scoring models, to be able to do that.

Kyle Seagraves:

But ultimately, like, don't feel like you're in the dark with this,

Kyle Seagraves:

and it has to be a guessing game.

Kyle Seagraves:

You can apply with a mortgage lender for free, go through the pre-approval process,

Kyle Seagraves:

or even just talk to somebody and say, I'm interested in what my credit is.

Kyle Seagraves:

could you pull it?

Kyle Seagraves:

It happens.

Kyle Seagraves:

You will get an inquiry on your score, but an inquiry, most people don't realize only

Kyle Seagraves:

changes their score zero to five points.

Kyle Seagraves:

So worst case scenario, it would drop at five points and you actually have

Kyle Seagraves:

45 days to shop for lenders after that.

Kyle Seagraves:

So if you're at the point where you're like, I'm close, but I'm on the line.

Kyle Seagraves:

I'm not sure.

Kyle Seagraves:

Go ahead and talk with a mortgage lender and have them see what your actual

Kyle Seagraves:

score would be that they would use.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, because.

Kyle Seagraves:

The cost of doing that is so low compared to waiting longer and longer, just

Kyle Seagraves:

because you aren't sure how your soft score will relate to your heart score.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think the more knowledge you can have here, definitely the more power that

Katelyn Magnuson:

you have to make empowered decisions.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And with that, I know that a lot of the clients that I chat with and a

Katelyn Magnuson:

lot of the listeners here have raised concerns that, you know, maybe they're

Katelyn Magnuson:

following Dave Ramsey, or maybe they've just had that drilled into their head

Katelyn Magnuson:

because we're millennials and we love avocado toast and how dare we be buying

Katelyn Magnuson:

lattes, but that we shouldn't have debt.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, debt is horrible.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Debt is a bad thing with the exception sometimes.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Home loans or mortgages.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But with that, I know a lot of people that I chat with are concerned that they have

Katelyn Magnuson:

to have all of their student loans paid off all of their credit card debt gone,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you know, all of their car loans paid off.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So when it comes to, you know, looking to apply for a mortgage or qualify, do they

Katelyn Magnuson:

need to be debt free when they're coming in and you know, how has that factor.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

So I think with any financial decision, one of the best places to

Kyle Seagraves:

start is internally, because there's so much emotionally packed into the

Kyle Seagraves:

decisions we're making about finance, because they're usually not legit.

Kyle Seagraves:

And based on numbers, they're actually built on a lot of shame.

Kyle Seagraves:

So a lot of people have shamed us into making should

Kyle Seagraves:

statements about our finances.

Kyle Seagraves:

So anytime you start with evaluating, what should I do next with my finances?

Kyle Seagraves:

And it starts with, I should be doing this.

Kyle Seagraves:

Let's take just like maybe a day or two to see where, where did I hear that?

Kyle Seagraves:

Is this rooted in the level of shame coming in?

Kyle Seagraves:

Because things like I should be debt free before I buy a house.

Kyle Seagraves:

Isn't really based on a lot of logic or financial data.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's based on a lot of shame around, oh, I shouldn't have debt.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

The should, let me figure out where did the should come from?

Kyle Seagraves:

is that actually true?

Kyle Seagraves:

So you absolutely can qualify for a loan and be really successful financially

Kyle Seagraves:

with student loans, with auto loans, with a mortgage and with credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

Absolutely possible and possible to be financially successful with those as well.

Kyle Seagraves:

Now, then it comes down to a matter of preference.

Kyle Seagraves:

Are these the things that I want, that's a different conversation.

Kyle Seagraves:

You can have a preference of saying, I don't want to have

Kyle Seagraves:

this type of debt for me.

Kyle Seagraves:

I think, what is best is the only debt that I am hesitant about people

Kyle Seagraves:

having before they buy a house is if they have a credit card with

Kyle Seagraves:

a large balance that they can't.

Kyle Seagraves:

If you have a credit card, that's sitting probably close to like 20 to 25% interest.

Kyle Seagraves:

Even if it's a 10, 15, these are really high interest payments.

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's not a credit card that you're using for points and paying off cyclical.

Kyle Seagraves:

If you're, if it's like continuing to grow to me, it's not only is

Kyle Seagraves:

the cost of that credit card.

Kyle Seagraves:

It can be significant and we could use money to pay that down, but

Kyle Seagraves:

it also can be an indication of maybe, uh, where we're at financial.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, we're not ready to take on all the other costs of buying house.

Kyle Seagraves:

So that's the only instance in which I would say if you have credit card

Kyle Seagraves:

debt that keeps accumulating, maybe we'll look at addressing that before we

Kyle Seagraves:

then start to look at buying a house.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

Which makes total sense because that can speak to the general financial

Katelyn Magnuson:

situation, not the credit card debt itself being bad, but the reason behind why.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Increasing or credit card debt.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's just sitting there stagnant, not getting paid off, which makes complete

Katelyn Magnuson:

sense because it shows that maybe you're not making enough or maybe you have

Katelyn Magnuson:

money going out in other directions, or you're just not quite comfortable

Katelyn Magnuson:

financially with where you are right now.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm a really big proponent.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I bought our current house with a car loan, no student loans, but a

Katelyn Magnuson:

car loan, some credit card debt.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I don't regret it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Like that's just a

Katelyn Magnuson:

tool for me.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Yeah, it's the same for me.

Kyle Seagraves:

I have student loans.

Kyle Seagraves:

I have an auto loan.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, I have credit card debt that I pay off every single month, but it

Kyle Seagraves:

doesn't continue to sit there and grow.

Kyle Seagraves:

And I think too, with buying a house, you're responsible

Kyle Seagraves:

for the cost of that as well.

Kyle Seagraves:

So if something happens with your furnace, even just the general cost of moving into

Kyle Seagraves:

a home, uh, if you're looking at know changing locks and handles and fixtures

Kyle Seagraves:

and paint and everything else that goes with it, you don't want to start

Kyle Seagraves:

putting all those expenses on a credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

If you're already using a credit card to pay for just the general cost of life.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, it's just going to continue to grow that problem.

Kyle Seagraves:

If I have to pay interest on all the things that I'm

Kyle Seagraves:

doing with buying this house.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

No, I, I couldn't agree more so, and I really loved your point

Katelyn Magnuson:

that you brought about the sheds.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think sitting and taking a second to really assess, you know, we have all

Katelyn Magnuson:

those limiting beliefs or all those ingrained beliefs that will pop up,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you know, from family, from the media, from people we followed from anything.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What do you actually want?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Because if something's not actually bothering you or actually hindering

Katelyn Magnuson:

you, and it's just you feeling this shame or this guilt or this lack

Katelyn Magnuson:

around, well, I shouldn't be doing that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I should be, you know, the, yeah.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But what do you actually want?

Katelyn Magnuson:

What matters to you?

Katelyn Magnuson:

What's important to you?

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

if the, you know, if you're in a spot, I think that so many people,

Katelyn Magnuson:

when I bought my first house, I was shocked at how quickly I could buy.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I was a 19 year old kid.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, a bunch of jobs and like had to pull alternative.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Actually, I want to talk about that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I had to pull alternative credit sources because I was 19.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I had like two years of credit history.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I don't know how much experience you have with this Kyle, but for anyone

Katelyn Magnuson:

that's younger, that's listening or maybe they've been debt free for

Katelyn Magnuson:

years and they don't have established credit cards or they don't have,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you know, a lot of credit history.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What options are there for people that need alternative sources

Katelyn Magnuson:

of credit to prove credit?

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

So on a conventional loan, the ideal, and we can get into this more when

Kyle Seagraves:

we talk about, uh, you know, the different loan types, but the ideal is

Kyle Seagraves:

to have a two year history of credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, I've done quite a few loans for people where they are 18, 19, and they, you know,

Kyle Seagraves:

they just recently got a credit card or maybe they only have a couple, uh, they

Kyle Seagraves:

have one credit card and that's about it.

Kyle Seagraves:

It'll look at it and be like, okay, this is what we would call thin credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

FHA loans are going to be a lot more lenient on things like that.

Kyle Seagraves:

whereas conventional loans usually want a two year history and usually it works

Kyle Seagraves:

best if you have two to three different types of accounts, so maybe a couple of

Kyle Seagraves:

credit cards, um, and then maybe you have your rent reported on your credit report,

Kyle Seagraves:

um, which is really helpful to do so.

Kyle Seagraves:

In those instances, with somebody who has a thin credit profile,

Kyle Seagraves:

there's a couple different options.

Kyle Seagraves:

One is you can look at something like an FHA loan, FHA loans are

Kyle Seagraves:

usually more expensive long-term so it's not my first option.

Kyle Seagraves:

You could look at adding a co-borrower.

Kyle Seagraves:

So somebody with more credit history that could be added on the loan to

Kyle Seagraves:

help support the fact that, uh, you know, there's a backup plan if needed.

Kyle Seagraves:

Another thing is what are called trade lines or alternative credit,

Kyle Seagraves:

like you mentioned, and what these are is, uh, things that aren't reported

Kyle Seagraves:

on your credit report, but they do.

Kyle Seagraves:

That you can pay stuff on time.

Kyle Seagraves:

So these are things like utility bills, um, your rental

Kyle Seagraves:

history, uh, insurance payments.

Kyle Seagraves:

If you can prove that those have been paid over something like 12 months on

Kyle Seagraves:

time, then those can be added into your credit profile as an additional tradeline.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's just not reported on your credit report.

Kyle Seagraves:

The only issue here is that when we do that, we get into what's called

Kyle Seagraves:

manual underwriting, and usually you have a higher interest rate.

Kyle Seagraves:

That's going to be.

Kyle Seagraves:

On that because it's more risky.

Kyle Seagraves:

most loans, the way that they are given an approval is actually

Kyle Seagraves:

through a computer software, a loan officer's going to take your whole

Kyle Seagraves:

application, put it into a software.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's going to do all of its thousands of different data

Kyle Seagraves:

points on is this risky or not?

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's all based on stuff that nobody knows about.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like nobody's told what are all the little data points of

Kyle Seagraves:

what works and what doesn't.

Kyle Seagraves:

So it's going to come back and say like the thumbs up, thumbs down.

Kyle Seagraves:

If it's thumbs down, you can do a manual.

Kyle Seagraves:

Where a human is going to take a deeper look at us and see, can we check off all

Kyle Seagraves:

the boxes that this is going to be less risky for us, but there's still a level of

Kyle Seagraves:

risk because the economy on the secondary market really likes when the computer

Kyle Seagraves:

software gives a thumbs up because it checks so many different things.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, so when the loan is more risky, because we have to use things like

Kyle Seagraves:

these additional trade lines, We're kind of veering off the path of a

Kyle Seagraves:

more traditionally approved mortgage user going to pay a higher interest

Kyle Seagraves:

rate because that loan is more risky.

Kyle Seagraves:

So it's something to be mindful of.

Kyle Seagraves:

I think being debt free is great, but you can also have an incredible credit

Kyle Seagraves:

score without paying a diamond interest.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like, uh, so I don't understand why we would try to throw away a credit score

Kyle Seagraves:

when it actually will cost us more money on something like a mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's very easy to have a credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just assign it to gas and one credit card assigned to groceries, and I pay

Kyle Seagraves:

those off every month and it can help you maintain a 700 plus credit score

Kyle Seagraves:

without paying a single diamond interest.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I couldn't agree more.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I was that exact scenario that you described when I went to go look at

Katelyn Magnuson:

buying and I was 19, I had no auto loan.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I had no student loans.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I had one credit card that I think I might've had for like

Katelyn Magnuson:

a year, a year and a half.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And they were like, we don't know.

Katelyn Magnuson:

and it was great.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I mean, I ended up the loan officer that I'd worked with at the time.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And, uh, we can chat about this in a later one, but, um, had mentioned

Katelyn Magnuson:

that like, most people are looking to either buy or refinance within

Katelyn Magnuson:

the first three to five years.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So by that time, if I was looking to do that, I would have a much

Katelyn Magnuson:

more established credit history.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I was really happy with it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It was barely more than rent, but again, this was 2010.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It was a very different market and it was kind of a lovely, it's a lovely

Katelyn Magnuson:

time to be building equity in a house.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So any other kind of wisdom or parting thoughts on credit?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Because I feel like this was a very thorough episode.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Most people, I think, think that they have to have high credit

Katelyn Magnuson:

scores, you know, 7 27, 40 plus.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think that that's kind of debunked.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Some of that, that you can get started sooner, even if it's a little bit

Katelyn Magnuson:

more expensive interest rate wise, or even if you haven't finished

Katelyn Magnuson:

paying your debt off because you can potentially be getting a home and

Katelyn Magnuson:

capturing some of that appreciation rather than waiting until late.

Kyle Seagraves:

Yeah, absolutely.

Kyle Seagraves:

You can get.

Kyle Seagraves:

Wait earlier.

Kyle Seagraves:

I think that a lot of people realize you do not have to have perfect

Kyle Seagraves:

credit, because for a lot of people, and this has been true of a lot of my

Kyle Seagraves:

clients is I've worked with clients.

Kyle Seagraves:

I'm a, down to a five 14 credit score to mid six hundreds and they wanted

Kyle Seagraves:

to wait and they were so glad that they actually move forward, buying a

Kyle Seagraves:

house, build up their credit score, qualified for even cheaper loan because

Kyle Seagraves:

the house value went up so much.

Kyle Seagraves:

The one last thing I would say, and this isn't directly related

Kyle Seagraves:

to credit, but happens, I think.

Kyle Seagraves:

Around these credit conversations that, uh, and just money in general, especially

Kyle Seagraves:

kind of going with like the sheds and the shame is that what I've realized

Kyle Seagraves:

has been helpful, I've kinda made the switch recently is I stopped talking

Kyle Seagraves:

about money with people like, especially kind of being in the entrepreneur.

Kyle Seagraves:

I have a lot of entrepreneur friends, and it's amazing how battlefield after

Kyle Seagraves:

a phone call with a friend of mine and we're, you know, we're talking about

Kyle Seagraves:

numbers and stuff, but it's like, no matter what happens, there's a level

Kyle Seagraves:

of that shame that kind of kicks in.

Kyle Seagraves:

And ultimately it's usually not helpful to have these conversations about

Kyle Seagraves:

exactly where you're at with somebody who's like friends or family, because

Kyle Seagraves:

it often can come with bad advice.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, or it can introduce these elements of like shame or you should

Kyle Seagraves:

be doing this or, or whatever.

Kyle Seagraves:

I think we can talk around the concepts of money without

Kyle Seagraves:

talking about our own financial situation and what I found for me.

Kyle Seagraves:

And I think for a lot of people, is that when we stop oversharing, I think some

Kyle Seagraves:

of the finance stuff with people who may not be experienced enough to be able to

Kyle Seagraves:

help us actually walk through something, uh, it can help give you a lot more.

Kyle Seagraves:

So save those conversations for people who actually have valuable things to say

Kyle Seagraves:

and have a track record of that before we expose ourselves to, uh, hearing

Kyle Seagraves:

the advice that maybe isn't super solid

Kyle Seagraves:

season-3-win-the-house-you-love_recording-1_2022-06-02--t06-49-00pm--guest617609--kyle-seagraves: from

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I could not agree more.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And that's something that I've implemented in my life a lot where I'm going to pay an

Katelyn Magnuson:

expert or talk with an expert in the area that I'm looking to make a decision in.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If I feel the need to, I'm not educated.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then I will form my own opinions.

Katelyn Magnuson:

My own decisions decide what's right for me.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then maybe notify the people around me or, you know, if that needs to be done.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But I think that so often we look for external validation and thoughts that

Katelyn Magnuson:

it can muddy our internal mental waters.

Kyle Seagraves:

Yeah, yeah,

Katelyn Magnuson:

Well, Kyle, thank you.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Next episode.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We're gonna be talking all about different types of loans and

Katelyn Magnuson:

diving really deep into those.

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About the Podcast

Wealth Witches
Where financial empowerment meets magic!
Welcome to the Wealth Witches™ podcast, where financial empowerment meets magic! I'm Katelyn Magnuson, your guide on this enchanted journey to holistic wealth and prosperity. Here, we honor all identities and invoke our inner witches to create a community where everyone feels welcome and inspired.

Formerly known as the Confident Money podcast, we've transformed into Wealth Witches™ with Katelyn Magnuson. This change is about embracing the once-taboo topics of money and magic, blending them into a powerful mix of practical advice and mystical insights. Whether you're here for financial tips or to explore the magical side of life, this podcast is your new home.

What can you expect from Wealth Witches™? We combine actionable financial advice with a holistic approach to life. You'll hear from guests like astrologers, neurodivergent business owners, and magical creatives, discussing everything from business requirements to the latest trends in holistic wealth. We're breaking down the barriers that make finance feel dry and inaccessible, making it exciting and relevant to your life.

This podcast is for anyone who feels out of place in the traditional financial world. If you've ever felt like your interests in magic, human design, or holistic living didn't belong in a financial conversation, this is the podcast for you. We're here to tell you that you can embrace all parts of yourself and still be financially successful. We're not just talking about money – we're talking about creating a life of abundance and freedom. Our community is dynamic, diverse, and inclusive, and we want you to be a part of it.

Join us as we explore new ways to think about money and life. We're here to challenge the status quo and help you embrace your inner witch on your financial journey. Each episode is designed to inspire, educate, and empower you to take control of your financial destiny.

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Stay magical and empowered, and remember, wealth isn't just about dollars in the bank – it's about creating abundance in all aspects of your life. Let's conjure some financial clarity together.

DISCLAIMER: This Podcast may receive compensation for promoting or recommending products or services through affiliate links. We only recommend products and services that we believe are of value to our listeners. The content provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional financial, accounting, or legal advice. Listeners are advised to consult with qualified professionals before making any financial decisions. The Freelance CFO is not responsible for any actions taken based on the information provided.

About your host

Profile picture for Katelyn Magnuson

Katelyn Magnuson

Katelyn, the driving force behind The Freelance CFO and creator of Wealth Witches, is revolutionizing accounting with a sprinkle of magic. With a decade of experience, she’s not your typical number cruncher. Her unique blend of expertise and approachability, infused with a touch of spiritual insight, has made her a go-to authority. Katelyn believes finance should be a stepping stone to success, not a barrier. With a judgment-free ethos, she simplifies complex financial topics, making them actionable for entrepreneurs and small businesses. Her ultimate goal? To empower you to manifest your authentic life—not a cookie-cutter one!